Saturday, 16 August 2014

Bible School Workshop, Kalwa Farm, Serenje, 23-25 July 2014

Coordinators and Teachers of BBS attended
 a workshop at Kalwa Farm, Serenje.

Rev. Daniel Kim teaches about an Urban BBS format.

John, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "Be a faithful teacher of the truth!"

Principal, Ezron Musonda leads a session on "How to Teach."

Small groups meet to discuss strengths and
weaknesses of the BBS ministry.

Benard Chongo leads a small group
to talk about ways to improve the BBS programme.

Representatives learn from each other about the BBS programme.

Homecraft Class 2014

Yarn and plastic canvas making cell phone covers.
 Margaret, Agnes, and Lilian in picture.  May 2014

We enroll 8 ladies for home craft in 2014.
Lilian and the other seven ladies made pillows
 using Gingham Track Embroidery on checked fabric.
April -May 2014

Astridah holds her pillow, Gingham Track Embroidery.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Clement Pelyashi, Administrative Assistant Marries

Clement Pelyashi and Christine were married in the Chapel on 17 August.  Congratulations!

On 21 September  Nyimba Baptist Bible School observed graduation ceremonies for six students.  The names of the graduates are Issac Mwala, Robertus Lungu, Edward Nyendwa, Paul Masiye, Irene Kaunda, and Loveness Maseko.  Principal Musonda addresses the graduates and those attending the ceremony.

Kaputa BBS Graduates First Two Students

BTSZ student, Laban Mwelwa teaches the week of 19-23 August in Kaputa Bible school.

Students at the Kaputa Bible school had the privilege of having the seminary princial, Rev. Ezron Musonda for one of their teachers.

On Saturday, 24 August, Davies Chileshe and Lazarus Kwemba were recognized as the first graduates of the Kaputa Bible School.  Rev. Ezron Musonda congratulates these two men for their faithfulness in completing this local leadership training at this new school.

Farewell to Packs

Dr. James Pack and his wife, Mrs. Songja Pack completed 10 years teaching at the seminary the first of May.  Students and faculty  said a special farewell to them in Chapel.

Mongu BBS Graduates Seven

Mongu Baptist Bible School held its first graduation in April 2013.

Dr. Van Thompson, Registrar at the seminary was among those speaking at the graduation.

 Lameck Chilambe, Mubiana Kabati, George Lubinda, Mukolo Mundia, Luka Mulyata, Webby Musona, and Petulu Masozi were graduated from the first intake of students.